31 and Pittsburgh

31 has multiple meanings to me today. It's my current age. The days until I'm not 31. The virtues I desire to possess (Proverbs 31). The name of the direct sales company I belong to.

But today, as I start the last month of my 31st year, I'm also starting a 31 day challenge inspired by The Nester (If you don't follow her, you should. She's awesome!) on my all new website that went live today.

My 31 day theme is going to be all about me. The things that make me who I am - likes, dislikes, inspirations, dreams and shortcomings.

Day 1
I'm from Pittsburgh. This means a lot. Today it means I'm super proud to be from a city that loves it's sports teams in good times and in bad. My poor Steelers (yes, since I'm from the city they belong to me just like they belong to everyone else within a 250 mile radius of the city) have had the worst start to a season since 1968. But the Pirates are going to postseason for the first time since 1992 (I loved me some Jay Bell).

I have lots of black and gold clothing, say weird words like gumband and chipped ham, and can withstand temperatures in the teens without wearing a jacket.

I love where I'm from and am proud to be a Pittsburgh girl. But I'm so thankful that I live in the south where it's warm and winter doesn't last for six months.


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