Ankura - Anchor

I often claim to not enjoy reading, but I really like doing research and finding out meanings behind things. I've been working on a logo for my church ladies retreat. The theme is "The Journey" but the story is from the book of Ruth. So I looked at feet, hearts, transformation, butterflies; and then started looking at beach symbols... sandcastles, star fish, and then it hit me - an anchor.

The anchor has obvious purpose and functionality in the journey of a boat. Check.

It incorporates a cross. (This is where it gets interesting.) Early Christians used the anchor as a symbol of their faith while they were under Roman persecution in the first century. The anchor represented Jesus, with whom their faith was secured. In Greek, the word ankura means "in the Lord."

After their husbands died, Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, left where they lived with their husbands to go to a land that presented them with many unknown circumstances. They put their trust in their anchor. They took their journey together, an expedition that could have easily been taken off course.

They had hope, stability and security "in the Lord."

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." (Hebrews 6:19 NIV)


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