Day 13 - What did you want to be?

At church this morning, the sermon was on not just talking about the right things, but also living the right way and helping those in need.

Our pastor opened with this clip from "Mr. Deeds":

... And asked what we wanted to be when we grew up.

There were lots of really sweet answers - a vet, a teacher, a policeman.

I didn't answer. I wanted to be a mom.

Lots of people dream of what they will be when they grow up. They end up going in another direction because of the money (needed for education or desire to make more of it), practicality, or change in your personality as you get older. But who would think that being a mother would be something unattainable?

I thought I was in a good place with my fertility struggles, but over the past few weeks I've found myself looking at Facebook posts of newly pregnant couples and being envious, and frustrated and sad. I know there are lots of people praying for us and being encouraging, but at the end of the day it's about being content with the life that you have and trusting that the plan for your life is bigger than what you can dream.

I'm not there. I want to be called mommy. I don't know that I'll ever hear those words. How do you give up on a dream you've had your entire life? It could be because of money, practicality, physiology...

How can I take this and help someone else? It's a work in progress; an evolving lesson. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?


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