Following Directions

Have you ever done something, been halfway through, and realized you should have followed the directions? Or maybe just needed to re-read the instruction manual?

I often cook without recipes because you can taste what you're making and make alterations along the way. My husband likes to build things without instructions and usually does a pretty good job.

Yesterday I was driving to a seminar out of town. After about two hours of driving I realized that what I thought was a two hour drive was really a little over three hours. And when I got to my destination it was raining - which I was not prepared for. I had one thing in my mind and it turned out very differently than I had planned.

Isn't it funny how things like that end up? When we miss a step and try to take things into our own hands we often create more work for ourselves. That's why we create business plans, itineraries, recipes, instruction manuals and guides that we can follow when we don't know what to do.

Here's to finding your way in all you do!


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