My Weekend Recapped

Weekend recap:

I am addicted to caffeine. On Friday I had SunDrop for breakfast, sweet tea for lunch and an afternoon iced mocha from Starbucks. YIKES!! (Can't wait to get my free birthday drink.)

When I'm home alone I can gets lots accomplished. 8 hours of design work done in the late hours of Friday night/Saturday morning and some more on Sunday.

I eat like a child. I have extensive food allergies and can't eat many of the things that I want to or that sound good. It frustrates me until...

Halloween Oreos. It may be a psychological thing since they are for Halloween, but I swear the cream in the Halloween Oreos is creamier. The best.

Paint is AWESOME!! I have a small library of sample paints, acrylic paints, spray paint and nail polish.

I sometimes see things on TV or the Internet that makes me think I could be friends with people that I don't know. Today it was Khloe Kardashian. Watching her infertility struggles play out on TV make me want to call her up and go hang out. (And Aisha Tyler when she spoke about infertility on The Talk.)

I hate bugs. I'm currently running a mutiny against fruit flies in my house. Without fail, every time I have bananas I end up with these nasty nuisances. I can't remember where I saw it, but I put apple cider vinegar in a dish (about 1/8 cup) and add a few drops of dawn dish detergent. The cider attracts the bugs and the detergent breaks the tension of the liquid. The fruit flies drown. I find a disturbing amount of gratification when I look in the container and see the floating bugs.

I love Pittsburgh. The city, the sports, my family that lives there. YAY for black and gold!! AND, GO BUCS!

There's a Carter's commercial on TV that makes me cry. (

See you tomorrow for day 7 of 31 days of 31. The countdown to 32 continues.


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