Stop me... Before I volunteer again

Stop me... Before I volunteer, again has been a kind of half-joke, half-inside look at my crazy busy life for the past few years. I started a blog with that name and got so busy that I forgot about my blog!! And why I'm on day 4 of 31 instead of day 5.

I am constantly running from one thing to the next with little down time. And when I do slow down it's usually because I've worn myself down from being too busy.

I have a serious problem saying no. I like to help people, and to make others happy. I feel like an opportunity not taken is an opportunity missed. I also once heard a speaker recount that he started to say 'no' to people because he realized that by saying 'yes' all the time that he was actually saying 'no' to his family and personal needs. Something to think about...


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