Treats & Sweets

31 days ago I started blogging again and launched a new website and started counting down the days until I was 32. I missed a bunch of blogging days because I'm easily distracted, I've already made updates to the website {including an upcoming events calendar!!} and I'm officially not 31.

But today was a combination of being full of gratitude and bits of sadness. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays since it is my birthday. I had low expectations for my birthday so I did nothing to celebrate Halloween; no decorations, no costumes, not even candy.

Despite myself, I had a really awesome day filled with treats and sweets; Starbucks, LOTS of owls, pumpkin bread, cupcakes, apple pie (with cinnamon ice cream!!), pineapple cake, Smiley cookies, and of course - candy.

I read such kind messages from people I've met and known throughout my life that made me feel truly loved. So many that I'm still reading through them.

The lesson I learned? Celebrate every holiday. I wrote in an earlier post that every day should be approached like it's your birthday, but that's a lie. Some days really should be more special. Here's to 32 more years of  celebrating.

Thank you to everyone near and far who remembered me today. It really means so much to know that even if it's just a simple greeting that I've meant enough to you to wish me a happy day. I promise to do better this year in doing the same.

Love to all!


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