Wednesday in the Word

Every week I get to teach kids about Jesus. It's a pretty cool thing to get to do.

I've worked with kids for a long time; which is ironic because I don't have kids of my own. It started as far back as I can remember. I was a troop aid in Girl Scouts, a peer tutor in high school, a teaching assistant at my dance studio and a baby-sitter for many years. I got a job in college at a local amusement park, then at Walt Disney World and then another park when I graduated. I volunteered and worked at Make-A-Wish, was a Girl Scout leader and volunteered at my church to teach crafts at VBS. Now, I lead teach our church's Wednesday children's class which focuses on service, teach children's church every other month and help with musicals, VBS, and Bible camp during our yearly mission trips.

I find it an honor and privilege that people allow me to work with their children, and so I try to give it my best effort.

Tonight, I was teaching 19 children about the Good Samaritan (Matthew 22) - and they got it! They get that helping their neighbor doesn't mean just the guy next door. They understand that there are kids somewhere that have nothing and they want to help. They want to pray. They want to just take some food to Egypt and come back. They want to make sure other kids get to experience Christmas who never have before. That's what it's all about.

While I was growing up I didn't get the Bible, or Jesus, or really why we went to church. But now, I learn along with the children I teach. They have the best perspective on how things work and I get to see it through their eyes. Jesus said "let the little children come to me." I hope that I can continue to follow His example of leading the smallest to make a HUGE impact on the world around them.


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