What are Your Favorite Blogs?

I am not a web designer.

I can design invitations, event decor, displays, murals, and various different kinds of graphics. But I can not design web pages. I was so excited when I found the free web page design site to create LWDesignsSC.com because I had wanted to create something for several years. Although there are still elements that I want to update on the website, it's pretty and I'm happy with the overall look and functionality.

I will say that I know how to do some programming. I have taken classes in multiple different types of programming and taught myself HTML out of necessity at my first job. 

But now I really want to change the blog design. I like how it looks, but there are no comments, no social share options, the navigation is hidden... I just don't get it. And I can't figure out how to change just the things I don't like and keep the things that I do. I look at the HTML and I just can't figure it out.

I'm looking for inspiration and assistance. If you have any blogs that you really like please let me know. But on Facebook on on email because there is no way to comment on this blog post. UGH!!


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