Driving Crazy

I feel like every blog should have an obligatory post about bad driving. Since today I saw a mini car driving in the bike lane, today is that day for me.

Bad driving is like a curse. I often tell the hubby that I think my car is a bad driver magnet. I see so many crazy things that it almost seems like I'd have to make them up... but alas they're all true.

I've been nearly rear-ended in a turning lane that is surrounded by concrete medians (the other car ended up on the divider); been rear-ended sitting at a red light with opposing traffic turning in front of me; had to stop while trying to merge onto a highway because the driver in front of me stopped instead of merging; seen a motorcycle hit a car at a red light and SO much more. I'm constantly stuck behind the person driving 10-15 miles under the speed limit; driving toward opposing cars with their high-beams on; cut off by drivers in a turning only lane and passed by cars going twice the speed limit in cars that look like they could fall apart. I once saw a truck flip over down and embankment and another time saw a car spin in circles across 6 lanes of interstate.

I often pray while I'm driving. I think it's the only way I've survived.

Do you have a crazy driving story?


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