When I created my new website and blog I tried to go with my name instead of my initials; and now I'm second-guessing that decision since all of my URL's are still my initials. So, I'd like to ask for help. Which do YOU like best?
Have you seen all those fancy pumpkins all over Facebook and Pinterest and thought that you couldn't duplicate the finished product? Well, YOU CAN!! One year, I really wanted a Tinker Bell jack-o-lantern. This was before fancy templates, Pinterest, and digital cameras. So not only did I have no guide for what I wanted to accomplish, but I have no proof that it turned out amazing. I will give a disclaimer that I have a strange ability to look at something and replicate it pretty closely. I have several coffee mugs from my college internship at Walt Disney World and loved one of Tinker Bell stuck in the keyhole of a door. I thought it would be pretty cute if she was pushing out of a pumpkin instead. I took out my trusty sketch book and went to work. After sketching the image I went back in with a sharpie to make sure that I had sections left intact so as to not have a giant hole instead of a Tinker Bell outline. It was adorable and reminded me of the scene from Peter Pan wh...
Something you should know about me is that I have obsessive personality tendencies. Like I once decided that I needed to have a pink wool coat for winter. I looked and looked and didn't find one, but then the next year there were pink wool coats everywhere and I finally got one. I also became obsessed with finding a particular pair of pink Reebok tennis shoes . This almost happened this past spring with kelly green shorts. I was satiated with some lime green pants. I became enamored with Sweet FROG after my first encounter. Have you ever tried the mix-your-own-toppings delight? I love their strawberry/cheesecake swirl with fruit added in. Sometimes I get wild and add some peach yogurt if they have it. But I found what I like and don't really deviate to find other flavors. I love owls . I pledged a sorority in college and their mascot was the owl. I found out that my grandparents had some and they became mine. Now I have them everywhere. On my desk at work I have a bank, ...
A couple of weeks ago I posted about different ways to decorate pumpkins for Halloween and fall. Below is a photo tutorial for how to carve your own custom faux foam pumpkins. Start with the image of your choosing. This design needed some spacing added so that the pumpkin didn't fall apart! Gather your supplies - any size foam craft pumpkins; printed design (to fit); pencil; masking tape; thumb tacks; traditional pumpkin carving kit poker or paper piercer; heated knife. Here's a closer look at the heated knife kit (sold at most craft stores). Layout your design on your pumpkin, securing in position. I like to use both masking tape and thumb tacks. Poke around the design making sure to leave gaps in any connected spaces. After I have the design poked onto the pumpkin I like to remove the paper and draw the design by connecting the dots to make sure that there isn't any space that is going to get cut out inadvertently. Carefully carve out your...