DIY Canvas Art

This isn't really a post about fall, it's a post for any day.

Several years ago my husband asked me to make a painting for him since I always paint murals and artwork for other people. I asked what he wanted and he asked for something "abstract." He actually wanted something geometric. I got as far as getting the design sketched on a large square canvas. It's still sitting in our guest room.

A few weeks ago I painted a huge canvas for our new Children's Ministry classroom. It was completely different than anything I've ever done before. And before it had words on it, the hubs asked if we could keep it. Not possible since it specifically matched the classroom and the available space and was purchased by our church. I promised to to make a smaller painting for our house.

We picked out some paint colors, and got a canvas on sale. Here's how east it is to make your own art for your home, office, or for a gift.

Pick whatever colors you like and a canvas that fits the space you need to liven up. I wanted a neutral palette. This would be really pretty as a night sky or sunset. Maybe add some metallic or glitter for a Christmas or winter piece.

Drop the paint onto the canvas. You can put in on a plate or other paint holder and dip your brush. I put all the the four colors of beige and gray all on at once and spread from darkest to lightest. I went back in with small amounts of paint to fill in white space.

Once spread you can let dry or keep working while the bottom layer is still tacky to allow for further blending.

I continued while the paint was still workable. Again, I applied the drops of paint directly onto the canvas in a random pattern an once again spread from dark to light.

This is the result. You could also add a quote or design to the top. Maybe your favorite Bible verse; a Christmas image off a greeting card; the monogram of a friend. Maybe continue your artistry and paint a pumpkin.

Put on display where you can enjoy your work of art.

This would be a great "ladies night out" project. Invite your girlfriends over and impress them with your DIY project!


Colleen said…
So pretty. Great tutorial! This is something I'd like to try with my kids too.

Colleen @ 58 Water Street

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