Hello, October

Today is the day. Welcome to 31 days of everything fall... through my eyes. I love this writing challenge because it coincides with my anniversary and birthday and forces me to reflect on the past, relish in the present and resolve for the future.

Here what you can expect from me:
  • Printables & Word Art
  • Pumpkins
  • Recipes
  • Owls
  • Fun Fall Events
  • Devotions
  • Halloween treats
  • & Celebrations
I hope that you come along with me on a great fall adventure - hopefully the glitter won't get too thick!

Also, check out this fall bucket list form Nifty Betty for some great ideas of activities and to-do's for you. 

Part of the reason that makes October so awesome is opening my email inbox on Oct. 1. Because I get things like this...
And this...
And this...

Why is this awesome?
  • Who doesn’t like free things?!
  • I love that celebrating doesn’t have to be confined to one day. We should treat every day like it’s our birthday; and treat everyone like it’s theirs.
  • When I turned 30, I was anti-birthday. It was a hard year. YAY for moving past that!

What is your favorite thing about fall?

Check back tomorrow to see whoooo's hanging around!


Jenn said…
I love fall. It just plain makes me happy. I love the scent of fall in the air and the pumpkin spice candles
Susan said…
I am looking forward to reading more in this series. While Fall is not my fave season, I am grateful for it. I like the spotlight on thankfulness, the colour orange, Christmas prep, Fall foods like pumpkin and apples and Fall holidays like Veterans Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving.

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