Losing and Finding My Voice

Since November I have started a number of new posts. They are all sitting unpublished in DRAFT form. Some have full posts written, there's one with just a link to an article, and there's even one with only a title. So why haven't I posted anything? I really don't know.

I guess my real struggle is figuring out what I'm blogging about. Why do I write here? What am I trying to accomplish?

I wrote a post last year that had a huge response - high views, comments, shares on social media - but could not be replicated. I actually tried. The post was about my sister and a desire to raise awareness for her illness at a time when her health was not doing well. It also happened to be during when the ice bucket challenge was very popular.

I wrote a post about pediatric cancer a few months later. It's a cause that is near and dear to my heart. I talked about several children that I have had the privilege of getting to know through work, volunteering, family, or friends. I have hundred of family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, business associates, and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and this blog. Less than 20 people read it.

I'm trying to find my motivation. I'm trying to find my purpose. I don't think I'll find it through what I write or post, but maybe along the way I might just rediscover my voice. 


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