Fall Favorites and Being Intentional

October is the best month. You can debate me all you want, but this is my reality. I L.O.V.E. October.

The first full month of fall, it's my anniversary month and my birth month, the leaves are changing colors, the weather is getting cooler, there is pumpkin everything EVERYWHERE... and... football. It's a great time to look back at the past year and look forward at what's to come.

For the past few years I've done a 31 day writing challenge each October as a fun way to document my reflection. But this year I have no time. I honestly don't ever have time to write for 31 days straight. I've never made it through posting every day for the 31 days. As I was reading through posts about people preparing for the challenge last year and this year I came to the realization that many people who participate don't - they pre-write and schedule their posts.

So this year I'm trying something a little bit different - 31 days of being intentional. It won't be a daily post, it might not even make another entry beyond this one, but it will be a process of making time for life and living. I'll be taking time to sit on the ground and play with my dog; spending a few extra minutes to send a friend who's on my mind a message; finishing projects that have been delayed because of business; getting rid of clutter that just takes up space; and enjoying the month that I love so much filled with all the things in it that make it my favorite.

What are your favorite fall things?


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