Prayer Works!

I've been teaching children's ministry for nearly a decade. I've come across many lesson plans, curriculum, and books that describe prayer for kids in an easy-cheesy way. In fact, just a few weeks ago I went through a prayer curriculum series with the kids at church and had to supplement and add to to give it any substance.

And then this week I received a copy of "Prayer Works" by Stephen and Alex Kendrick (known notably for their Sherwood Pictures films Fireproof and Courageous) with Amy Parker from B&H Kids.

The Kendricks and Amy Parker use a Biblical model and Scripture to show children that God not only created them and loves them, but that He desires a relationship with them. It lets parents (or teachers) guide kids through many questions that they have about prayer - who can pray, what to pray about, where to pray, when to pray - and provides prompts for prayer that build on each other to grow in their faith journey.

Highly recommend it; will be adding it to my teaching resource library... Indeed, "Prayer Works"!


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