
Welcome to the LW Designs blog - affectionately called "Stop Me... Before I Volunteer, Again."

Years ago I learned to love paper and design and pretty much all things crafty. Today, I love to share those passions with others. I design invitations (wedding, baby shower, bridal shower, birthday, event, corporate, etc.), event materials, murals, logos and lots of art projects (wreaths, painted monogram canvases, door hangers and more!). I'm also obsessed with Pinterest and was creating my own pin boards with Word documents, photos and copied links, long before any official site was created.

This is where I share about life, faith, glitter, some fantastic good-tasting-not-good-for-you foods... and pretty much anything that inspires me.

I hope you enjoy the ride as I custom design life with a splash of city style and a touch of southern charm.

Love and Best Wishes!

PS - Check out my website at LWDesignsSC.com.

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